Aloha your awesomeness......the weekend is here and it is so welcome. Planning to do laundry this weekend? First, i will ask that you allow me crave your indulgence- this is going to be a long read---but I assure you, it will be worth your while. ENJOY!!! This relationship is unparalleled. You get consistent and unwavering support, each and every day. Your relationship has probably been going steady for years, and, You've not had a break up nor had to make the needed yet "awkward" parental introductions (hehehehe).... LOL Getting confused, don't mind me!!! Yes , i'm talking about the tried-tested-and-true commitment that exists between you and your brassieres. Lol... Loving My Bra When comparing the number of bras to the number of other outfit you own, it becomes clear that extending the longevity of your brassieres is probably a good idea -- especially considering they can get quite pricey. In an effort to help increase t...