craw craw dey for Moby yansh.....
when she scratch, e dey sweet am

Sweet Scratching

Today's read reflects one of the "cause and effect" of tight underwear.......


Intertrigo (pronounced inter-try-go) is an inflammatory condition of skin folds, induced or aggravated by heat, moisture, friction, and lack of air circulation.....all things ---- a tight underwear (bra, panties, boxers, body shape wear) ---- can cause.

Too Tight

Intertrigo frequently is worsened by infection, which most commonly is candidal.

The affected area typically harbors bacteria, fungus and yeast which all can worsen infection.

It commonly affects the armpit, the groin, aka "the there as i like to call it", under the breastsin between the bum cheeks and tummy folds----for those who have this.

craw craw

It can be worsened by any conditions causing increased heat, wetness, and friction.

Who's At Risk

It affects people of ALL ages but more frequently seen in overweight people. 


It also occurs in individuals who wear or use things that causes friction or holds moisture against the skin surface.

Signs and Symptoms

These typically include:
  • Odour, itching and burning.
  • Chaffing and flaking of affected skin area.
  • Redness and breakage of the skin around opposing surfaces.
  • Area may ooze or be sore or itch.

Self-Care Suggestions


Daily cleansing of area using a mild soap.

Keep area dry and exposed to air....if this is not easy, always wear loose absorbent fabric like cotton.

Use of absorbent powders, may help.
Barrier Cream

Barrier creams, such as zinc oxide paste, may be helpful for some individuals.

If overweight, weight loss is recommended.

For persistent irritation, use of 0.5–1.0% hydrocortisone cream, may also help.

Seek Medical Care


Seek medical evaluation when intertrigo does not respond to self-care measures.

I believe you have learned a thing or two today.......till the next read.....

this is from me to you..... always remember never forget, you are beautiful just the way you are....craw craw or not.....hehehehe....

Love you ...mmwah.

Its definitely our September to Remember.......

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way sinners take or sit in the company of mockers (Psalm 1:1 NIV)


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